Why am I Wasting Electrons with this Blog?

From the desk of Becky McAllister.

Who is that, you say? A simple, God loving, Christ seeking wife, mother, sister, student, teacher and child of God, trying, but often failing, to abide with Christ in all things and through my life.

I am officially a retired homeschool mom. My son still lives at home but works nights and  is “rarely home”.  As we ease into the empty nest, I am building my recipes to replace all those large meals with leftovers.

I just received a new (used) cookbook  specifically for cooking for two.. browsed over to the dessert section and guess what.. 55 cookies? What planet are they from that one or two people can (or should) eat 55 cookies in 3-4 days (the average life span of a home baked cookie, not frozen).  There has to be another way!  Unless entertaining, why would someone bake an entire pumpkin pie?  Isn’t there a way to reduce that?  My goal is to find solutions and visit those problems of cooking smaller and within a budget.

So here I will be putting together recipes and suggestions for budget menus and cooking for one to three!  I will include tips and kitchen lore to help us learn more about our kitchen.

When I am not in the kitchen, I am in my office working. I am a web and instructional designer with my desk piled high with work. I also have a second blog, Daily Mouse Clicks, that is no longer daily but I do post interesting new, information and articles I come across while on the web.

This blog is dedicated to my beautiful daughter , a Navy career gal with a hectic schedule always looking for recipes and menus.

Copyright Information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike Works 3.0 License.

That means that all of my content is mine, can only be reproduced, republished or shown with credit to me, with my permission.  I will protect and defend my hard work and prosecute offenders.

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